Out of hours - Cumbernauld 0141 328 7513
Out of hours - Falkirk 0131 444 0990
Cumbernauld Surgery 01236 727876
Falkirk Surgery 01324 624361
Healthy Pet Centre 01324 623359
Bo'ness Surgery 01506 826002

Catriona Gillen

Veterinary Surgeon

Catriona Gillen - Veterinary Surgeon
Catriona Gillen BVM&S MRCVS Veterinary Surgeon

Cat joined the team at Lawrie's in 2021 after a number of student placements. She is from Glasgow and graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2021. Cat loves the variety of general practice and enjoys looking after cats and dogs as well as some of our more exotic patients. She especially likes treating rabbits.

Outside of work Cat enjoys running and can usually be found training for her next race. She also loves spending time with her family, including her cat Freddie and dog Ania.