Out of hours - Cumbernauld 0141 328 7513
Out of hours - Falkirk 0131 444 0990
Cumbernauld Surgery 01236 727876
Falkirk Surgery 01324 624361
Healthy Pet Centre 01324 623359
Bo'ness Surgery 01506 826002

Yvonne Clydesdale

Client Care Advisor

Yvonne Clydesdale - Client Care Advisor
Yvonne Clydesdale Client Care Advisor

Yvonne starting working with Lawrie vets in Sept 2016 and loves seeing all the different pets that come through the door, and having a chat with their owners.

Yvonne is married to John, with 2 children and she's adding a new puppy to the household in the next few months, which will keep them all on their toes!

When Yvonne is not working, she enjoys having a chat over coffee and cake with friends and family and will be busy walking the new pup.